Is Brodieshredz Natural? Reality Exposed of This TikTok Star

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Is Brodieshredz Natural?
  • Post category:Biography
  • Post last modified:February 26, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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If you are a fitness lover, then you must know who is Brodieshredz. He is a fitness influencer hailing from Los Angeles. He is very popular with millions of followers. But do you know if is Brodieshredz natural or not? Before deep diving into the topic, we will discuss and explore Brodieshredz‘s personal life. So if you are interested, let’s expose the reality of This TikTok Star.

Is Brodieshredz Natural
Is Brodieshredz Natural

Who is Brodieshredz?

Brodie Falgoust, known as Brodieshredz, is a famous fitness influencer and social media personality. He creates engaging content around fitness, weight lifting, and diet-related videos.

Brodie not only posts entertaining videos but also provides online coaching and advice to his followers to help them achieve their fitness goals. He recently shared what he eats in a day, starting with his morning coffee.

In one of his videos, Brodie consumed 10,000 calories and then tried to burn them off. He was born on September 9, 1998, in Louisiana, United States of America.

Besides fitness, Brodie loves playing baseball and has a career in it. If you want to know more about Brodieshredz’s Biography, read this article till the end.

Brodieshredz Body and Physique

With his well-chiseled physique and impressive workout routines, Brodieshredz has gained a legion of fans who are curious about his personal life. One of the questions that has been on everyone’s mind is how tall he is. After verifying his social profiles, it has been found that Brodieshredz’s height is 5 feet 8 inches or 172 cm.

But that’s not all. It turns out that Brodieshredz has been working hard to improve his body and build his self-confidence. According to his social profiles, Brodieshredz’s weight is 75 kg, and his bicep size or arm size is 14 inches. These measurements are a testament to his dedication and hard work. He has been putting in the effort to sculpt his body and build his strength, and it shows.

Brodieshredz Natty or Not
Brodieshredz Natty or Not

Brodieshredz Previous Story

The person in the above picture is 16-year-old Brodieshredz. He was insecure about his size and was worried about what others would think of him. He lacked confidence and was his own worst enemy. Going to college for baseball changed Brodie Falgoust‘s life and he fell in love with the gym. He became addicted to working out and became the “gym rat” on his team. Fitness changed his life for the better and he developed an outrageous amount of confidence. He worked hard to achieve his current physique and every time he takes a picture, he remembers the struggles he overcame to get there. Now he is a fitness influencer, fitness coach, and gym instructor. This a long journey and takes lots of time with motivation.

Brodieshredz Natty or Not

In our opinion, he is 100% natty. It took 10 years to overcome his lack of confidence and self-doubt and become a confident bodybuilder. His hard work and dedication proved that hard work paid off.

Is Brodieshredz Natural?

Based on the information provided, it can be concluded that Brodieshredz is a natural bodybuilder. He had to overcome a lot of insecurities and self-doubt to become the confident bodybuilder that he is today. He worked hard and dedicated himself to fitness, and his journey took over 10 years. In addition, the statement “In our opinion, he is 100% natty” suggests that Brodieshredz built his physique through hard work and dedication alone, without the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

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